Biblical Poetry

      This blogpost is about biblical verses and uncovering the magic and spirit behind its words. Why, you might ask, is this a project that belongs on a blog dedicated to feminism? I believe it does because it helps us to strip away the many layers of patriarchy …

Delilah, Lost

Delilah is a beautiful name on its own merits. As a biblical personage Delilah is forever connected to Samson for their tales are intertwined. As it is told in Judges, Samson is the clear hero of the tale and Delilah is merely the temptress who betrays him. But as in …

Yes, There are Goddesses in the Bible

  “Freud once asserted that mortals are not made to keep secrets; what they would like to conceal oozes from all their pores.” Psychoanalyst Theodore Reik[1] It’s remarkable how much female imagery there is in the Bible hidden within its wording. The more I delve into its passages, the more …

The Mystery of the Serpent

The serpent in the Bible is a symbol of multi-layered mystery.  The serpent is often saddled with the responsibility for Adam and Eve leaving the garden.  According to the Bible, the serpent tempted Eve and it was therefore its “fault” that Adam and Eve ate the fruit which caused their …

Women’s Bodies and The Bible

Trigger Alert:  The bible on its face is quite violent to women. Amidst the ugliness that is American politics in general and abortion politics specifically, I began to look for guidance to understand what is happening. I ended up pulling out two books that I read long ago. The first …

Praise for ONE GODS

Rachel Pollack wrote the following about ONE GODS A fascinating book. Janet Rudolph has done some strong research, much deeper than the usual deconstruction of patriarchal myths and Bible passages. I really like the respect and awareness she brings to the Hebrew scriptures, along with a strong cross-cultural approach. Rachel …

Legalization of Marriage for All

Last week the Supreme Court legalized marriage for gay couples with all the rights of hetero couples.   HOO-RAH!  It is well past time.   In some “religious” strongholds people are resisting saying that the tradition of marriage between one man and one woman goes back to the Bible.   Adam and Eve, …