The serpent in the Bible is a symbol of multi-layered mystery. The serpent is often saddled with the responsibility for Adam and Eve leaving the garden. According to the Bible, the serpent tempted Eve and it was therefore its “fault” that Adam and Eve ate the fruit which caused their expulsion. But think about this? The tree is Eve’s tree. The Tree of Life is named after her. Eve specifically means life, making it in actuality the Tree of Eve.
She doesn’t need the permission of the serpent, a deity or anyone to eat from her own tree. It is her right. It is more than her right, it is an expression of her essence. In fact, she needs to eat from the tree in order to leave the Garden of Eden. By eating the fruit, she carried the precious seed of the garden within her body to Earth. Eve and Adam brought her/their life essence to fruition here on Earth. The serpent midwifed this process by offering the seed to Eve. By these actions, the serpent, as well, is responsible for bringing/birthing life here on Earth as we know it today. This is not a curse at all, but a precious blessing.