Legalization of Marriage for All

Last week the Supreme Court legalized marriage for gay couples with all the rights of hetero couples.   HOO-RAH!  It is well past time.   In some “religious” strongholds people are resisting saying that the tradition of marriage between one man and one woman goes back to the Bible.   Adam and Eve, …

The Meaning of Separation in the Bible

When the world is created at the beginning of Genesis, God begins by separating out apparent opposites.   Heaven/Earth   Light/Dark Day/Night  Male/Female.   The word used is the Hebrew word BEDEL.    The root letter for this word are the three letters examined in the previous three blogs:  B-D-L. B or Beit, Beis …

Eve as the Goddess in the Tree

This post is a partial review of my last several posts:  It is a passage from my book ONE GODS: The Mystic Pagan’s Guide to the Bible Now that we’ve seen goddesses inhabiting trees in the two cultures closest to ancient Israel, wouldn’t it make sense for there to be a …