Aren’t We All Divine Children?

  Consider the following four birth stories: A high priestess became pregnant in a manner that was forbidden in her society. She gave birth to a baby boy. Fearing for her child’s life, she fashioned a basket of rushes and cast him into a river. He was retrieved by a …

Yes, There are Goddesses in the Bible

  “Freud once asserted that mortals are not made to keep secrets; what they would like to conceal oozes from all their pores.” Psychoanalyst Theodore Reik[1] It’s remarkable how much female imagery there is in the Bible hidden within its wording. The more I delve into its passages, the more …

What the Mystics Say

When Rachel Pollack wrote the foreword to my book, When Moses Was a Shaman, she wrote a haunting line. She was discussing the importance of asking questions as a life practice. She wrote, “Perhaps Questions are the ultimate Homeland for all of us.” Respecting the power of the question, this …

A Definition of a Shaman

  “The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”  WB Yeats I have a new definition of a shaman.  It is someone who reminds us that the world is full of magic and then guides us to develop our senses so that we …