Now Available

  I have re-issued my book, Desperately Seeking Persephone under my own imprint, Flower Heart Productions.  It has a new cover and a new subtitle – The True Story of My Shamanic Journey Through the Underworld.  It is now available in both paperback and kindle on Amazon. Here are two …

Emerging from the Underworld: a book review by Eline Kieft

Desperately Seeking Persephone: A Shamanic Journey Through the Underworld by Janet Rudolph weaves together a healing journey from abuse and rape, a deep personal connection with the goddesses Inanna and Persephone, and the ups and downs of a long-term shamanic apprenticeship. These strands could have easily filled three separate books, but …

What the Mystics Say

When Rachel Pollack wrote the foreword to my book, When Moses Was a Shaman, she wrote a haunting line. She was discussing the importance of asking questions as a life practice. She wrote, “Perhaps Questions are the ultimate Homeland for all of us.” Respecting the power of the question, this …

A Definition of a Shaman

  “The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”  WB Yeats I have a new definition of a shaman.  It is someone who reminds us that the world is full of magic and then guides us to develop our senses so that we …

Facing Life, Part 1

I remember the first time I killed a living animal for food. I was a college student. I was traveling with other students on a month-long backpacking trip along the Sea of Cortez in Baja, Mexico. It was a very long time ago, yet the experience was so impactful that …