Yes, There are Goddesses in the Bible – Part 2

  As I wrote in my last blog post, there are female deities and goddesses sprinkled all throughout the bible. They just aren’t obviously in plain sight. One example is the Goddess and Her association with birds. Many ancient creation myths have stories about life emerging from a cosmic egg …

The Serpent and the Seed

I was so inspired by Judith Shaw’s blog post, “The Serpent and the Goddess” (Feb 26th) that I began to dust off my old notes on serpent imagery. I was reminded a concept that kept jumping out at me. In discussing the Kabbalah, Rabbi David A Cooper, writes that mystics …

Eve is the Hero of the Garden of Eden, part 2

The serpent in the Bible is treated as Eve’s partner in crime, a malevolent seducer who is responsible for humankind’s expulsion from paradise. But did you know there are serpents who figure positively in the Bible? There are serpent priests, a feathered serpent and a healing serpent. Check out this …

Eve is the Hero of the Garden of Eden, part 1

She is a tree of life to those who embrace her and those who lay hold of her are blessed. Proverbs 3:18 (Berean Study Bible) Eve’s story, as it has been passed onto us from the Bible, makes Her responsible for manki . . .ahem . . .humankind’s being cursed …

Legalization of Marriage for All

Last week the Supreme Court legalized marriage for gay couples with all the rights of hetero couples.   HOO-RAH!  It is well past time.   In some “religious” strongholds people are resisting saying that the tradition of marriage between one man and one woman goes back to the Bible.   Adam and Eve, …