More Biblical Poetry

  This is the 3rd in a series of Biblical poetry where I am “translating” verses of the Bible. You can read the first two here: Biblical Poetry and Biblical Poetry, Part 2. One of my primary purposes of doing this work is to strip away patriarchal veneers that have …

Biblical Poetry Part 2

  Last month, I wrote about a new project I have been playing with which is to re-write biblical verses as spiritual poetry rather than follow along with stricter translations (although truth be told, my translations have never been strict). My main goal is to strip away the layers of …

Biblical Poetry

      This blogpost is about biblical verses and uncovering the magic and spirit behind its words. Why, you might ask, is this a project that belongs on a blog dedicated to feminism? I believe it does because it helps us to strip away the many layers of patriarchy …

Cuando Eva era una Diosa

COMING SOON! It has been my great honor to work with Ecuadorian translator and poet Martin Mora Ortega who has created a gracious and well crafted translation of my book When Eve was a Goddess.  Watch this space for further announcements and publishing information.

Yes, There are Goddesses in the Bible

  “Freud once asserted that mortals are not made to keep secrets; what they would like to conceal oozes from all their pores.” Psychoanalyst Theodore Reik[1] It’s remarkable how much female imagery there is in the Bible hidden within its wording. The more I delve into its passages, the more …

The Serpent and the Seed

I was so inspired by Judith Shaw’s blog post, “The Serpent and the Goddess” (Feb 26th) that I began to dust off my old notes on serpent imagery. I was reminded a concept that kept jumping out at me. In discussing the Kabbalah, Rabbi David A Cooper, writes that mystics …

The Meaning of Separation in the Bible

When the world is created at the beginning of Genesis, God begins by separating out apparent opposites.   Heaven/Earth   Light/Dark Day/Night  Male/Female.   The word used is the Hebrew word BEDEL.    The root letter for this word are the three letters examined in the previous three blogs:  B-D-L. B or Beit, Beis …

Jerusalem as the City of Venus

Jerusalem, focal point of the world’s three major patriarchal religions was named for a Goddess.   It is a city dedicated to Venus in Her aspect as the evening star. As viewed from Earth, the planet Venus is special in the heavens because she exists in her twin aspects – morning …

Jacob As Initiate

Note: I used this image which is from Machu Picchu because it is a cave below the mountainous temple.   It was common for ancient temples that soared above the earth to be coupled with caves beneath them for ceremonial work.   It seemed appropriate in the vein of Jacob’s ladder (see …

At Play with the Breath of Creation

As pointed out by David Tame who has written extensively about music; “Life and matter was created through a sacred word or words spoken by the first god or gods in the myths of the Hebrews, the Celts, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the American Indians and the Quechua Maya.”[i] In …