Winter Solstice Cheer

As the days renew and begin to bring new light into our daily lives, I am posting some photos to inspire meditations and thoughts on the cycles of life.   This year the solstice lands during a new moon increasing its power of timing and beginnings.   May your life be filled …

The Goddess IS the Tree, the Tree IS the Goddess

The world tree always has a bird in the branches and a serpent at the roots.   Look at these two images.  The serpent goddess above from the 2nd century CE, perhaps an early image of a mermaid, shows the goddess and the serpent as one.   The familiar image of Isis …

A Final Thought About Breath

I used these photos to illustrate this post because the animals are all engaged in play with obvious breath actions.   Felines do it really well.   The mama lion is playing with her cubs, the gibbon baby is playing with his father, and two baby snow leopards are rough-housing.   Breath is …

GRRRR, ROAR, CHIRP and HOWL as Sacred Sounds

Breath and its vibrations contain power – deep, mysterious, sacred power. The animal world has its own vibratory essence as do we. In our human bodies, we can tap into this vibration of sacred mystery because of our ability to use sounds and words. Certain sounds hold uniquely powerful energy. …

At Play with the Breath of Creation

As pointed out by David Tame who has written extensively about music; “Life and matter was created through a sacred word or words spoken by the first god or gods in the myths of the Hebrews, the Celts, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the American Indians and the Quechua Maya.”[i] In …

Singing Life into Being

What are the essentials one needs to live? Most people would answer food, shelter and clothing. All true, but a person can go for a long time without shelter or clothing (depending on the environment), weeks without food, less without water. But the time one can go without breath is …

A Biblical Chant

I used this photo with this material because of the importance of breath.   As the quote from Job that I’ve been using states:  “Ask now the beasts . . .”  This lion (also used in my header) is exhibiting excellent breath. I had material leading up to this Biblical Chant …