The Serpent and the Seed

I was so inspired by Judith Shaw’s blog post, “The Serpent and the Goddess” (Feb 26th) that I began to dust off my old notes on serpent imagery. I was reminded a concept that kept jumping out at me. In discussing the Kabbalah, Rabbi David A Cooper, writes that mystics …

Huna, 5th principle: To Love is to be Happy With

The world is what you think it is There are no limits Energy flows where attention goes Now is the moment of power To love is to be happy with All power comes from within Effectiveness is the measure of truth My deepest understanding of this principle comes from the …

A Final Thought About Breath

I used these photos to illustrate this post because the animals are all engaged in play with obvious breath actions.   Felines do it really well.   The mama lion is playing with her cubs, the gibbon baby is playing with his father, and two baby snow leopards are rough-housing.   Breath is …

At Play with the Breath of Creation

As pointed out by David Tame who has written extensively about music; “Life and matter was created through a sacred word or words spoken by the first god or gods in the myths of the Hebrews, the Celts, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the American Indians and the Quechua Maya.”[i] In …

Singing Life into Being

What are the essentials one needs to live? Most people would answer food, shelter and clothing. All true, but a person can go for a long time without shelter or clothing (depending on the environment), weeks without food, less without water. But the time one can go without breath is …