Finding the Biblical Goddess in the Tree

Now that we’ve seen goddesses living in trees in two cultures that surrounded Israel (Sumeria, Egypt), shouldn’t we be able to find a goddess in a tree in Israel.   Yes, we should!   Here is how we find Her. To find our goddess in a tree, we have to look into …

The Goddess in the Tree – part 2

Inanna in Sumerian, from a seal ca 2334-2154 BCE.  Artist rendition: Samantha Rudolph In the last post, I discussed the images of the Egyptian Isis in the tree.   Egypt was south of the land of Israel. The land north of Israel also had a goddess who lived in a tree. …

Moses and the Mystery School

There are clues in the Bible that Moses had knowledge of mystery school teachings: The first clue comes from Delphi at Apollo’s temple (photo above).   Inscribed at the temple were the words “know thyself.”  This is a hallmark of mystery school teachings.   A crucial part of “knowing thyself” is recognizing …

Moses as the Son

The Bible explains the root of Moses’ name. “She” is pharaoh’s unnamed daughter: She named him Moses, explaining, “I drew him out of the water.” Exodus 2:10 According to Exodus, the Egyptian pharaoh’s daughter drew Moses out of the water then bestowed a Hebraic name on him – mashah from …

Jacob As Initiate

Note: I used this image which is from Machu Picchu because it is a cave below the mountainous temple.   It was common for ancient temples that soared above the earth to be coupled with caves beneath them for ceremonial work.   It seemed appropriate in the vein of Jacob’s ladder (see …

Abraham, Sarah and their Mystery School Adventure

What experiences led Abraham and Sarah to become the matriarch patriarch of a new religion? Led them to beginning  a cultural thread which culminates in a whole new vision of religion?   There were many experiences but the focus today is looking at their possible initiation into the Mysteries. In spiritual …

The Teaching of the Ear of Wheat

Mystery schools were peppered throughout the ancient world. Renowned schools once existed in Greece, Egypt, and Mesoamerica. Mystery Schools, both ancient and modern, explore the nature of life/death/rebirth as they take their initiates through experiences of spirit.   Death and rebirth experiences are especially key to the living a rich spiritual …

GRRRR, ROAR, CHIRP and HOWL as Sacred Sounds

Breath and its vibrations contain power – deep, mysterious, sacred power. The animal world has its own vibratory essence as do we. In our human bodies, we can tap into this vibration of sacred mystery because of our ability to use sounds and words. Certain sounds hold uniquely powerful energy. …