Biblical Poetry Part 2

  Last month, I wrote about a new project I have been playing with which is to re-write biblical verses as spiritual poetry rather than follow along with stricter translations (although truth be told, my translations have never been strict). My main goal is to strip away the layers of …

Yes, There are Goddesses in the Bible – Part 2

  As I wrote in my last blog post, there are female deities and goddesses sprinkled all throughout the bible. They just aren’t obviously in plain sight. One example is the Goddess and Her association with birds. Many ancient creation myths have stories about life emerging from a cosmic egg …

Abraham, Sarah and their Mystery School Adventure

What experiences led Abraham and Sarah to become the matriarch patriarch of a new religion? Led them to beginning  a cultural thread which culminates in a whole new vision of religion?   There were many experiences but the focus today is looking at their possible initiation into the Mysteries. In spiritual …

A Final Thought About Breath

I used these photos to illustrate this post because the animals are all engaged in play with obvious breath actions.   Felines do it really well.   The mama lion is playing with her cubs, the gibbon baby is playing with his father, and two baby snow leopards are rough-housing.   Breath is …