Now Available

  I have re-issued my book, Desperately Seeking Persephone under my own imprint, Flower Heart Productions.  It has a new cover and a new subtitle – The True Story of My Shamanic Journey Through the Underworld.  It is now available in both paperback and kindle on Amazon. Here are two …

Emerging from the Underworld: a book review by Eline Kieft

Desperately Seeking Persephone: A Shamanic Journey Through the Underworld by Janet Rudolph weaves together a healing journey from abuse and rape, a deep personal connection with the goddesses Inanna and Persephone, and the ups and downs of a long-term shamanic apprenticeship. These strands could have easily filled three separate books, but …

The Serpent and The Goddess by Judith Shaw

This lovely post appeared on the wonderful and far ranging Religion and Feminism Blog.  Judith Shaw kindly gave me permission to repost it. I am posting the beginning of the article below (notice her spectacular artwork) with a link to the rest of it (and more of Judith’s art):   …