Facing Life, Part 1

I remember the first time I killed a living animal for food. I was a college student. I was traveling with other students on a month-long backpacking trip along the Sea of Cortez in Baja, Mexico. It was a very long time ago, yet the experience was so impactful that …

Moses and the Mystery School

There are clues in the Bible that Moses had knowledge of mystery school teachings: The first clue comes from Delphi at Apollo’s temple (photo above).   Inscribed at the temple were the words “know thyself.”  This is a hallmark of mystery school teachings.   A crucial part of “knowing thyself” is recognizing …

Egypt and The Mystery School

Arguably the most famous Mystery School came from Greece; the Eleusinian mysteries. But the Egyptian mysteries were far older. According to Plato, Solon, a Greek statesman, met with Egyptian priests in the sixth century BCE. One of the priests said to Solon, “O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are never anything …

The Ancients and the Mystery School

What  are the Mystery School lessons? Below are the words of those who experienced it for themselves, witnessed the initiations, or heard about them from first-hand accounts. What does it mean to experience the lessons of a mystery school? As I discussed in my last blog, one of the primary …

The Teaching of the Ear of Wheat

Mystery schools were peppered throughout the ancient world. Renowned schools once existed in Greece, Egypt, and Mesoamerica. Mystery Schools, both ancient and modern, explore the nature of life/death/rebirth as they take their initiates through experiences of spirit.   Death and rebirth experiences are especially key to the living a rich spiritual …