The Goddess in the Tree

She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. Proverbs 3:18 Trees are very important in our human mythos. In many societies, the tree is actually considered to be the ancestor of humankind with a mythological forerunner related …

The Goddess in the Tree – part 2

Inanna in Sumerian, from a seal ca 2334-2154 BCE.  Artist rendition: Samantha Rudolph In the last post, I discussed the images of the Egyptian Isis in the tree.   Egypt was south of the land of Israel. The land north of Israel also had a goddess who lived in a tree. …

Egypt and The Mystery School

Arguably the most famous Mystery School came from Greece; the Eleusinian mysteries. But the Egyptian mysteries were far older. According to Plato, Solon, a Greek statesman, met with Egyptian priests in the sixth century BCE. One of the priests said to Solon, “O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are never anything …