Eve is the Hero of the Garden of Eden, part 2

The serpent in the Bible is treated as Eve’s partner in crime, a malevolent seducer who is responsible for humankind’s expulsion from paradise. But did you know there are serpents who figure positively in the Bible? There are serpent priests, a feathered serpent and a healing serpent. Check out this passage:

Be ye therefore wise as serpents

Matthew 10:16

Levites were serpent priests as evidenced by the etymology of their name. The root word levi is seen in the name of the creature “leviathan,” the giant serpent. This is reminiscent of the Pythia, the oracle from Delphi whose title is derived from the root word python.

The feathered serpent referenced in Isaiah 30:6 is a seraph, usually translated as a “fiery flying serpent.”

The healing serpent sits upon a pole that Moses carries:

And the LORD said unto Moses

Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole:

and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten,

when he looketh upon it, shall live.

Numbers 21:8

To this day, two serpents rising on a pole is the sign of health and healing found in doctor’s offices in the form of a caduceus.

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Blogpost: Eve is the Hero part 2

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