Miriam Robbins Dexter, PhD in linguistics, author of the book Whence the Goddess graciously took the time to read my book and offer notes on the etymologies I used. Her knowledge is not only vast (she found mistakes that only a true expert would have noticed) but she was extremely generous in her sharing of that knowledge. Thank you Miriam. (Whence the Goddess, as well as her other books, can be found on the links page above.) Below are a list of her corrections and clarifications.
pg 86: Clarification: The original city of Ugarit may date to 3000, but the texts themselves date to about 1400 BCE.
Pg 87: Clarification: Ashroterth and Astarte are the same goddess. Ashtoreth is the plural. Miriam Robbins Dexter notes “that the Indo-European words for star — including modern English “star” — seems to have the same root.”
Pg 110. The brother who killed Osiris was Set.
Footnote pg 114: Golan’s actual quote is: “The Sanskrit name for the twins is Asvinau which means ‘possessing horses’ or ‘originating from a horse.’” In other words, Asvinau doesn’t mean “twins,” it is the name of the twins.
Pg. 162. Lilith does not come from the water words but rather they derive from her name. Golan’s quote: “The name of Lilith presumably does not originate from the words for ‘water, pour, rain,’ but conversely, these words derive from the goddess’ name ‘l+t the feminine form of the god’s name ‘l.”
I used the following two etymologies in ONE GODS. Miriam Dexter Robbins noted that they are not correct as far as their etymological connection. It is an interesting conundrum. Are their similarities a co-incidence or something else entirely?
148: In the best-accepted etymology, the Germanic word Hel (hell) is not related to the Greek word Helios; Hel (Hell) means “the hidden place.”
p. 149: Labyrinth is not related to labia; labyrinth was borrowed into Greek from an Old European language spoken on Crete. There would be an unexplained -r- if one tried to explain the two words. Labia (sg. labium) is a Latin word meaning “lip(s)”.